Moyu aolong v2

Tycker du att Rubik’s kub är för trög att vrida? MoYu Aolong gjorde succé 201 och har varit mycket populär sedan dess. Det tidigare världsrekordet (90s) sattes med med en MoYu AoLong Vav Lucas Etter från USA, världsklass helt enkelt.

Buy MoYu AoLong V3x3xSpeed Cube Enhanced Edition Black Puzzle: Maze Sequential Puzzles – Amazon. The MoYu AoLong Vis the revised version of the immensely popular and successful MoYu AoLong. The revisions are intended to reduce the . YJ MoYu AoLong V3x3xSpeed Cube Enhanced Edition Black.

This is the MoYu AoLong enhanced edition, more accurate mould and improves . The Moyu Aolong vis one of the best speed cubes. The cube is pretty fast and can do U2s in one flick. It can corner cut from almost anywhere, but when you get . The MoYu AoLong version is considered one of the premier 3xspeedcubes. One of the most universal cubes on the market, the MoYu AoLong Vis a cube enjoyed by everyone.

Brand new MoYu AoLong v3x3xSpeed Cube Enhanced Edition One of the most important 3xspeed sube of MoYu brand Five inner circles design. MoYu AoLong Enhanced Version 3x3xSpeed Puzzle Cube (57mm).

S Vhas remarkably better corner cutting than any other speed cube out there. Nedan kan du se världsmästaren Feliks Zemdegs använda just den här kuben. Kuben finns i flera olika utseenden, den på filmen heter MoYu AoLong VSvart!

The MoYu AoLong Vhas a satisfying crispy feel, and is ultra-smooth. It has more rounded pieces than Vgiving it better stability, and within it’s mechanism it . MoYu Aolong VEnhanced 2nd Batch 3x3x(Black), DescriptionThe MoYu AoLong Vis the revised version of the immensely popular and successful MoYu . Stickerless) MoYu Aolong V- Current World Record Cube. The MoYu AoLong Vis the revised edition of the AoLong V1.

MoYu have rectified the corner twisting issues that were present in the original AoLong and also . MoYu Aosu KingKong Fisher Fluctuation Angle Puzzle Cube 4x4xAngle puzzle (魔域 傲速变换金刚魔方) Moyu Aolong Vmini (魔域 傲龙 Vmini) – £10.